
Photography & Digital Arts


Photography Assistant Jobs

You have an interest in photography and want to make it into a career? If so then you should take a look at one of the many photography assistant jobs available. Regardless of the type of Photography you are interested in you will be able to beat a photography diploma option by simply learning hands on in the photography career path that you choose.

Many times it can be hard to find a paid photography assistant job in the photography career plan that you are interested in. If you want to become a boudoir photographer or a Quinceanera photographer you may have a hard time in finding a paid photography internship. You can however find a professional photographer to work under for free.

Working for free may not be the type of career choice you had in mind when you decided to become a pro photographer, but it can get your foot in the door and lead to an awesome career. The first step is deciding on the photography niche you want to specialize in.




Do you want to photograph weddings and bridal photography, couple photography, glamour model photography, or even automotive photography? Research out all the photography niches you are interested in and figure out which one you are most interested in pursuing.

Once you have picked a photography niche it is important that you research out professionals in your field of interest in an area where you do not plan on setting up shop eventually. This is important as it will allow you to meet a potential photographer mentor who can teach you his skill and knowledge in return for you helping him out for free. You need to be upfront and explain that you are not interested in setting up shop in the future across the street from your potential photography trainer. Why would a master teach you all his skills if he knew that you were simply going to eventually set up shop across town from him and siphon off his business?

Some photography areas are more apt to having multiple photography niches being pursued simultaneously in the same town and often even in the same building. If you are trying to market yourself as an artist and sell upscale photography prints of your work then you may have an easier chance of finding a photography assistant job in your town. 

If you can't find a paid photography assistant job then you may have to go the work for free route initially, but it is still cheaper getting hands on experince under a professional photographer then paying for a photography diploma online.

You can find paid photography assistant jobs, but rarely are they in the nich you are interested in. By working for free you will relieve a lot of stress as you are there to learn, and not be a slave to the photo master you are working under.

A photography assistant can be an invaluable asset to the pro photographer, but more importantly you will learn new and exciting photography techniques as well as learning the ins and outs of the business such as dealing with models.

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