
Photography & Digital Arts


Creating Basic Text Effects in Photoshop CS2

Creating Basic Text Effects in Adobe Photoshop CS2 isn't as hard as it may look. Many people get so frustrated and don't take the time to follow tutorials and learn. In this tutorial I am going to teach you how easy it is to do these effects. First things first, you will need to open up your Photoshop program. If you don't have Photoshop, I highly recommend it. If you are unable to get Adobe, I suggest Jasc Paint Shop Pro which you can do the same exacts effects in there as well. Once you have opened up your program, you will want to create a new document, the size can be anything that fits your style. I am using 250x150px.

Throughout this tutorial you will be using multiple layers. You can keep track of your layers on the layers palette. Select a Color you want your background to be. I picked a medium black color and filled my background with it. I also selected a green color for my text, so change your color to whatever color you want your text to be. Click the Text tool on the Tool bar on the left side, and click on your document. Now you are going to select whatever font and size you want to use, I am using A&S Jiggy Roman. After I chose my font and color I selected my font I typed my text (see Picture 1).

After you have made your text layer go to your Layers Palette, right click, and select Blending Options (see Picture 2). When you click that, a box should pop up with several options (see Picture 3). You can choose any options that your heart desires but for this tutorial I used the following options. Stroke:Size– 2px, Opacity– 85%, Color– White (see Picture 4). Bevel and Emboss:Size– 4px, Shadow Mode – Green (you will want to use the same green you used for your text) (see picture 5). Inner Glow:Opacity– 100%, Color– White, Source-Center, Size– 3px, Range– 55% (see Picture 6). Outer Glow:Blend Mode– Normal, Opacity– 100%, Color– White, Size– 13px, Range– 75% (see picture 7).

Once you have finished with your Blending Options, select OK. Most people like to play around with the different Blend Modes that are on the Layers Palette (see Picture 8). These modes will give you different effects. For this tutorial I used the Normal Blend Mode, and your finished document should look like mine (see Picture 10).

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